Cultural Diversity Introduction

Cultural Diversity in the Workforce

Cultural diversity is the existence of a variety of cultural or ethnic groups within a society. While, a workforce is when the people are engaged in a specific activity. You can find cultural diversity around the world especially in Canada. Canada is a country that accepts any nationality from all over the world. We will look at the importance in the next paragraph below.

(Cultural Diversity in the Workplace, n.d.)

Importance of Cultural Diversity

Do you know how why cultural diversity is important?

Have a look at this video below:

[HoffsTech]. (2017, November 22). The Importance of Diversity in the Workplace [Video File]

Cultural diversity is important because our country, workplaces, and schools gradually consist of several cultural and ethnic groups. The world is becoming more culturally diverse. We can learn from one another and respect their beliefs.

Now, I will share with you some positive effects of cultural diversity in the workplace.
  •          It helps one to build a sound knowledge about others
  •          It helps us to analyze a matter in the right way through listening and asking questions
  •          It helps us to overcome cultural shock within the workplace
  •          It brings numerous benefits to the workplace
  •          It determines management styles and practices of the organization
Cultural diversity has both negative and positive control in the workplace. I will be focusing mainly on the positive side. Organization leaders managed the workplace the way want it to be from their own perspectives. This can sometimes lead to negative effects of the workplace. But, with proper planning, the organization can reduce the negative side of cultural diversity.


Before continuing to the next page, I would like you to complete this poll through the provided link below. This poll is to find out whether you think cultural diversity is a good or bad thing.

Do have fun reading and please share!


Belfield, L. (2018). What is Cultural Diversity? Retrieved from Purdue Global University:

[HoffsTech]. (2017, November 22). The Importance of Diversity in the Workplace [Video File]

[Web Image of Cultural Diversity in the Workplace]. Retrieved October 24, 2018 from


  1. I found this blog to be very informative. I learned a-lot of information that i wasn't aware of.

  2. Interesting take on Cultural Diversity, and it's true that it has many benefits. Also what's really great is that Canada shows an example to the whole world on how to implement Cultural Diversity in the workplace.


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