How to encourage cultural diversity in the workforce?

Hiring Process

Managers should use the following when hiring a multicultural person/foreign worker. I will provide you with five ways to encourage cultural diversity in the workplace.
  • We must acknowledge differences to admit that people have different views and cultures
  •  Have a bias free training for all staff
  •  Encourage personal evaluation on a monthly or semi-annually bases
  •  Ask questions whenever you do not know, (Never Assume)
  •  Value all diversity in the workplace


(How to make better hiring decision, n.d.)

Make it a F-U-N Environment

These three letters above will make an employee as well as an organization successful. I will explain what these three letters mean below:

F- Fun- workers need to enjoy themselves while they are working by smiling, laughing, and in general have fun.

U- Unique- every worker is different from every one. They all have different cultures and values.

N- Nurturing- workers need to apply practical terms, training, teaching and treating themselves and others with care.

Be a FUN Leader

Leaders can also have fun in many ways. These ways can be helpful towards the success of their organization. They can have:

  • The ability to connect with others
  • The dedication to personal growth
  • The feeling of being alive and energetic
  • A strong sense of humor versus behaving too serious at work 

Below is a video to explain how to make a fun work environment. 

[jobchannelnetwork]. (2013, February 8). Create a Fun Work Environment [Video File]. Retrieved from

Understanding the traits of various cultures in general will move you forward on the road toward most effectively managing your multicultural work. To make meetings more sensitive to cultural differences, Griggs believes that managers have two non-exclusive options. To learn more about these options view the link.


The link below is for you to read some ways you can make your workplace FUN. There will be 10 office games you can use to engage yourself and others.

Please have fun reading and look out for the next post.


[jobchannelnetwork]. (2013, February 8). Create a Fun Work Environment [Video File]. Retrieved from

Johnson, V. (1992). Workforce diversity. Successful Meetings, 41(5), 122. Retrieved from

[Web Image of How to make better decision when hiring]. Retrieved October 25, 2018 from


  1. I like the content what you have post and more the way you advice to create a FUN environment at the work setting.
    Thank for sharing.

  2. Very informative and important writing. We really required to have cultural diversified workforce in Canada;s multicultural environment.

  3. Cultural diversity is important to companies, especially when we conduct business globally. Many different ideas are shared when there are diverse members in the group. Language barriers are also broken down when companies hire diverse groups of people. Cultural diversity is very relevant to companies today. Great blog. Poonam


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